lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

FoOd RevOluTioN

To me all the videos explore the investigation of the truth, the relations between the video and according to the reading. The human attitude that we have both sides: the material obviously it is indispensable for survival in this world, and the spiritual where we must to figure out the essence of human nature, knowing ourselves to conduce to loftiness abasement.

As the book says these relationships imply knowledge of one´s own self and the mysteries of the universe is enhanced by at the same time contributes to, a consciousness of the organic unity of the human race which means attitude change beginning with respect and protect our convictions it will be involve a direct affect in the society.

Like Jhon Robbin video try to suggest us it is more than be part of this consuming and material society at the end we can contributes with the solution been aware finding out the truth about the effects of the food you eat on your health, the health of your family, and the health of your planet. In addition he presents an expose on genetically engineered foods that will have you terrified for the future.

martes, 9 de junio de 2009

GeTting smiLes <3

Every single day I asked myself a question ¿how will be our last years if we don´t care about our parents life in the next years?
And maybe the answer will take time because to my oppinion it depends on how I protect my parents and how I will plan the future with them. Firstable when I talk about their future I´m refering to make a deal assuming a responsalibility to be reciprocal with all the cares, time, effors and love that they give us.
And I see at "Hogar San Jose" the reality of many elderly persons who has to spent their last years in that place but if we see their son and daugther´s, they doesn´t care about them.
It happen in the majority of the cases. Their families go to talk with the religious saying that they don´t have time to take care of them or many others excuses.
now it´s time to have this reflection because this is related with the human actitud too.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

sOciaL acTiOn

I am doing social action at “Hogar San Jose”, this place is an asylum directed by "La Congregación de las Hermanitas de los Ancianos Desamparados" this center was foundation in 1873, this asylum offer attention to people who spent the last years of their life under care of the personal and the religious. It doesn´t mean they have or not family each case is different.

“Hogar San Jose” has 126 elderly persons. They are divided by categories women´s and men ´s whose are able to do things by their own and the other side whose aren´t able to be independent for these antecedents they are a vulnerable group due they need attention, dedication, love and company.

At the beginning the grandma´s were shy because at that age they do not trust easily on people but when they start to see me and we talk for a long time, often we make recreative activities where they show me their charismatic caracter .